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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Wildman

Feelings Focused

Happy Wednesday!

I don't know about you, but I have struggled this week. As your school counselor I believe that it is important for me to be transparent. This last week was hard for me. It was hard being away from my students and my coworkers. I felt lonely and sad because I miss being at school and interacting with each of you.

This week I want to focus on feelings. No feelings are bad feelings, as long as you have a healthy way to express them. One of my favorite books about feelings is My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss. This story goes through how your feelings can change day by day and how they can affect your body.

Watch the video below of this story being read aloud and be ready to answer some questions and think about feelings at the end.

Some Things to think about after watching this video:

1. What feeling words do you know?

Bonus: When you think of that feeling what color comes to mind?

2. What feeling word could you use to describe how you feel right now?

3. What do you notice about how your body feels with different feeling words?

4. When your are feeling mad/sad/worried/frustrated what can you do to feel better?

In my class we talk about coping skills. Coping skills are used to help us when we are feeling mad, sad, worried, or frustrated. Some of the coping skills we talk about in guidance include breathing strategies, listening to music, journaling, exercise, coloring, or talking it out. These are all things that you can still do at home.

Jamie at Cosmic Kids Yoga has videos on different breathing strategies. I went over one last week in my calm down bottle video. If you missed it go check it out. Below is one of Jamie's deep breathing videos.

Thanks for checking in with me today! Remember to fill out the check in with Mrs. Wildman form here! That way I know if you need or want to talk with me abut anything. I hope you all have a great week!

With Love

Mrs. Wildman

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