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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Wildman

Mud and Rainbows

Happy Wednesday!

It's hard to believe that we have now missed two and a half weeks of school. I can't wait to be back in the building to see all of your smiling faces. Earlier this week I posted a Kindness challenge on our school Facebook page. I'm sure by now many of you have begun filling in your kindness squares. For those who may not have seen the kindness challenge I will post it here. The challenge is Kindness Bingo. The best part of it is there are no rules. Fill it out by getting five in a row or challenge yourself to fill out the entire card. It's up to you and you can take as long as you need to get it done. I would suggest trying to fill in one square per day.

For this week's mini lesson we are going to revisit a friend that our kindergarten, first, and second grade students know really well, Howard B. Wigglebottom. This funny bunny was the feature of our first quarter lessons this year. All of his books and activities to go along with them are available on This year we covered the four steps to being a good listener, how to manage our anger,and how to deal with bullies with Howard.

The story below is one we haven't covered. Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Mud and Rainbows is a story that teaches us that sometimes there are problems we can't fix and changing our mindset to see the good in what we have can help us through tough times. Make sure to visit to view the song, poster, color page, and other resources that go along with this video.

Some talking points to consider after watching this video include:

1. What are some things we can control? What are some things we can't control?

2. When we have a problem that we can't fix how does that make us feel?

3. What are some things that help us feel better when we are having a bad day?

4. How can I change my mindset when I have a problem that I can't fix?

Other resources available online:

I found out today that some of my favorite SEL (social-emotional learning) authors are doing read alouds of their books on Facebook live! Julia Cook and Bryan Smith both have amazing books that I have used for lessons in class. To view their schedule and titles visit Boys Town Press.

Last week I introduced Cosmic Kids Yoga which is a great YouTube channel that promotes mindfulness and exercise. This week I would love for you to check out Mind Yeti,another great mindfulness resource on YouTube.

Don't forget to come back next week to watch me do a fun craft that you can recreate at home! As always, I love you ,I miss you, and I'm here for you. Thank you for spending time with me today.

With Love,

Mrs .Wildman

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